Saturday, February 23, 2013

Frame Inspection

We purchased an 8’-3”x3” aluminum I-beam and a 12’-3”x1/4” aluminum flat bar to use as a temporary keel.  The I-beam establishes the flat planing surface from the transom forward.  On the 16’ Resorter, the flat planning surface is about 5’ long measured from the transom.

The flat bar establishes the curve of the keel forward of the flat planing surface.  The bar is under the I-beam and attaches to the gripe forward.

With the aluminum pieces clamped in place, any gaps at the keel landings are noted on the frames.  When cutting the new frames, this additional distance will be added to the landings during the patterning process to bring the keel landings into alignment.

The even-numbered, intermediate frames are then removed for patterning.  Where the frame lands on the bilge stringer, the factory sometimes needed to adjust the frame alignment using shims.  The thickness of any shim is noted on the frame as well and this distance is added to the pattern.

There are 3 shims of varying thickness in the boat from the factory.

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