Thursday, December 29, 2011


If you are following our Sea Maid blog, the November 22, 2011 post discusses the purchase of the interior kit while on a visit to Michigan. The interior kit was purchased for the Resorter as well.  The Resorter’s original interior is in fair shape, but is pretty fragile due too age.

The vinyl was sprayed a bright red, and several of the front bottom cushions are torn.  One of the rear seat bottom cushions was replaced after being lost by the previous owner and the color does not match the sprayed original pieces.

When we purchased the boat, the linoleum flooring had been removed.  New flooring was purchased but not installed.  The spray job on the interior was done nicely and everything is evenly covered.  Finding a larger area for color matching was difficult.  We were only able to find a small area on the back of the instrument panel that was protected from the sun and not sprayed.  So a small piece was cut off and sent to A&A Marine for matching.

We just got color samples for both projects and will be choosing the closest colors and grain as possible.  Soon, we will have a new interior to store while woodwork is completed.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Side Projects

The first blog post talks about finishing some house hold projects before starting on the major work restoring the boat.

Work on the master bath had been progressing steadily until the first week of December.  It all started on a Sunday, when the water heater sprung a leak!  I had been in the garage, no water on the floor, but 5 minutes later while retrieving a cardboard box for my wife I was splashing thru a river of warm water.

I don’t blame it, being nearly 20 years old, rusty and neglected.  I had been thinking of replacing it with a tank less water heater, but now I had to do the research and get it installed fast.  The rest of the family does not care for cold showers.

To install the tank less water heater, the cold water outlet and hot water inlet had to be relocated, gas line rerouted and resized, an electrical outlet installed and a new flue/air vent installed.  Monday after work the old water heater was removed, and drywall removed to access the water and gas lines.  Tuesday, our neighbor who works for a plumbing company, was able to order all of the necessary parts.  I worked thru the plumbing changes on paper and made a parts list, lots of copper fittings, and iron pipe and fittings.  Wednesday was spent buying the pipe and fittings.  Thursday during lunch I picked up the ordered parts and after work read the installation manuals.  Friday was spent preparing for the piping retrofit on Saturday.  Saturday the water was turned off, pipes cut, fittings sweat soldered, and outlets temporarily capped for a leak test, no leaks.  Then the gas was shut off to reroute and upsize the heater and water heater gas line, again no leaks.  A new electrical box was added.  Sunday started with the water heater isolation valves being prepared, one successful, one not.  Heating the valve the brass housing cracked.  Being a specialty valve, none were available locally, so we fabricated a temporary bypass and will replace with a new valve in the near future.  Holes were cut thru the stucco wall for the flue/air vent and condensate drain line.  Finally, the water heater was mounted on the wall, gas and water connections made, and the control panel connected.

After about 30 minutes double checking the installation and checking all settings, the unit fired up successfully!  After a week of cold water we are taking hot showers again!