The first project prior to purchasing the Resorter was finding a suitable trailer to get it home. A custom built trailer was too expensive, so a used trailer was needed. After about a month of searching a 1972 Vanson trailer was located.
It was in rough shape with some rust, but it was the correct length and inexpensive. The plan was to modify the trailer to be able to pickup the boat but it quickly became apparent the boat and trailer needed to be in the same place to make construction easier. The Resorter on its cradle was purchased and using an auto trailer, joined the trailer at my mom and dad’s house and back yard workshop.
After studying the trailer construction chapter in Don Danenberg’s book “How To Restore Your Wooden Runabout Volume 2” we determined the location of the axle needed to be relocated, additional cross members added, propeller guard removed, and a winch tower added. Also new electrical and paint would be required. I did the metal fabrication, my brother did the TIG welding and my dad blasted and cleaned parts. It was a team effort taking six weeks to complete.
Hanging by an engine hoist on the rear lifting eye and a chain hoist from the garage door header on the front lifting eye, the bunk brackets were adjusted to conform to the bottom.
Once all of the fabrication was complete, the trailer was blasted, primed and painted, and reassembled with a final few details left to complete.
A few more carpeted bunks, the bow support, and a final lift from the cradle and we are headed home.